“Remembering Ruth”

is an attempt to help abused animals, the homeless and people with Mental illness.

Who We Are

Partnering To Build A better World

Ruth Kriaris and her two brothers were born on the south side of Chicago.

When Ruth was 9 her father abandoned her, and her 2 brothers aged 7 and 5.

She was raised by Mother and was very close to her grandmother after whom she was named.

In 1980 Ruth was in a bad accident almost losing her leg and her life. She was in the hospital for over a year. After Ruth got out of the hospital. Ruth’s mother Kate decided to move her and her brothers Nick and Chris to Arizona to be closer with Ruth’s Grandmother, In 1981.

When Ruth was 19 in 1985 the voices stated, and Ruth spiraled into schizophrenia and manic depression Causing them to give many different pills ad medications which caused other complications for Ruth. Kate, Ruth’s mother was working 2 jobs at this point as she had no help or support from Ruth’s father. Whom married and stated another family.

The voices and her depression were getting so bad as Ruth said their multiple voices tormenting her. Though out the years there was nothing that could help Ruth. Ruth’s family noticed how Ruth had a gift with animals. Her loved shined out. Ruth would bring hurt birds and other animals in the house.

Kate seen with her own eyes taking Ruth to the store one day that two birds landed on Ruth’s shoulders and Ruth Talked to them, Kate would not understand what Ruth was saying as it was in another language. When entering the store, they flew off Ruth’s shoulders and only to return when they left the store. People looked and stared in aww.

Ruth really loved birds and other animals.

Kate ruth's mom owned three horses one of which was born on her property. Ruth would sit on the fence and talk to the horses for hours. When Ruth would go to the fence and call the horses, they all ran up to the fence to listen to Ruth talk to them. Ruth would pet their heads and spend the day in the yard with them.

Ruth was not only compassionate about animals any homeless person Ruth would see she would give them the shirt off her back in fact one time we were up at the light and Ruth gave them her hamburger and her drink and fries.

Ruth Kriaris, a sweet, loving soul, died at home on Nov 25, 2012. Ruth suffered with manic depression, diabetes & schizophrenia for many years. She was 46 years old. She was the only daughter, and sister and having 2 brothers Nick and Chris Kriaris.

In spite of a loving family and medications, horrible voices tortured and tormented her. Her whole family suffered along with her. Now that she is gone, Remembering Ruth would like to honor her memory and help others in her name.

“Remembering Ruth” is an attempt to help abused animals, the homeless as people with Mental illness. Ruth would have liked that very much. So please give whatever you can. Donation now to help with the cost for these efforts. We ask God’s help and your support in doing so – “Remembering Ruth”


What We Do


-We Find & Fund


-We Build Networks


-We Strengthen


-We Educate


-We Provide Care


-We Consult
